For the river angler you can joing the monthly fly pack and build up collections to tie spacific patterns and also collect the most suitable materials for general river fly tying. Here is an example of a nymph you will be able to tie using a quality barbless Czeck nymph hook and a quality tungsten bead. Each month you get a different fly to tie plus extra materials. You can have a range of materils for wets drys and nymphs or you can have simply dry patterns of whatever you want really. We also organise it so you dont get the same materials twice as much as possible.
You will see here are the materials needed to tie this Pheasant tail fly and also some nice flourescents to add a hot spot if you want to try that.
This is a modern Greenwells that would be an example of a dry river pattern we will supply all the materials for flies like this if you choose river patterns as your focus.
We have other packs here are some blogs to give you an idea
Lough packs Blog - https://www.bannvalley.com/articles/first-bumble-packs